Sunday, 21 February 2016

SFSF5 Featuring David Tallerman and Adele Wearing

So yesterday on another cold, rainy and windy day (well it it’s the British winter), we braved the elements to end to the Eten café in Sheffield for the Sheffield Fantasy and Science Fiction Social event five. This time our guess were David Tallerman and Adele Wearing. David is the author of Giant Thief,  and its sequels Crown Thief and Prince Thief.  He has also written Endangered Weapon B: Mechanimal Science, Patchwerk, and The Sign in the Moonlight and Other Stories. Full details can be found at his website – link here. Adele is ‘aunty fox’ and the founded of Fox Spirit, whose website can be found here.

The event itself was bookended by readings by David Tallerman, his second reading coming from his brand new book of Short Stories – The Sign in the Moonlight and Other Stories, which is currently discounted to£0.99 or $0.99 dollar depending on which side of the Atlantic that you live on. Where as Adele Wearing told us the story of how she set up Fox Spirit and answered other publishing related questions. The end ended with the now legendary raffle and a good chance for writers, readers and publishers to mingle.

The next SFSF will be in the spring and keep your eye out for the SFSF sister events in York, Eastercon in Manchester and Robot: Creative and Comic Arts Convention at the Winter Gardens in Sheffield.

Pictures of the SFSF are below.

David Tallerman reading.

Adele Wearing answering questions.

SFSF raffle.

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