Sunday, 5 June 2016

One Million Words Update

Sorry I missed posting this last month, so I will give the last two months figures. In April, the group wrote a total of 75926 words and in May, the group wrote a total of 89694 words.

That gives us a cumulative total of 539168 words.

Yes, we have made it to half a million word target.

So for those keeping count, with five months left to go we have to write 460832 words which works out at 92166.4 words a month.

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

New Event -Write A Book in a Day

We are organising a writing event for 22 October.

A series of talks will be given in the morning by published authors and editors on fantasy and science fiction to help fuel people’s imaginations. In the afternoon, workshops will be held by the same authors and editors on writing and editing short stories, building characters, developing plots and creating a world for the short stories to take place. The day will finish with people being presented with a shared world before participants will workshop their own short stories and write their start, middle and end to the piece. Participants will finish stories at home before emailing them back in (before January). All short stories submitted will be included in an anthology, published for Easter 2017

Tickets will cost £5 (pay on the day)

You can book tickets here: Write a Book in a Day

And keep your eyes on the blog for more details.