Sunday, 24 April 2016

Call for submissions

Hic Dragones are calling for Into the Words submission.

They are looking for shorts stories between 3000 - 7000 words that are edgy, dark and weird fiction. Any interpretation of the theme is welcome – and we have no preconceptions about what ‘into the woods’ might mean. Any genre considered: dark fantasy, (sub)urban fantasy, Gothic, horror, sci fi, steampunk, cyberpunk, biopunk, dystopian, slipstream. We’re looking for original and fresh voices that challenge and unsettle.

Submissions due: Monday 13th June 2016

For more details visit their site.

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Mini SFSF Social - 26th April 6.30pm - 7.30pm

SFSF Social are teaming up with Waterstones to host one of the launch events for Stephen Aryan's new fantasy novel Blood Mage. Stephen will be reading from the book, the follow-up to last year's Battle Mage (both from Orbit Books) and answering questions, and as ever we have a few freebies to give away.

It's a great opportunity to meet one of the rising stars of modern fantasy fiction, and we can't wait to see you at Waterstones in Orchard Square Sheffield.

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

One Million Words Update

This month’s word count is 84246.

That makes a cumulative total of 373548. So there are just the 626452 words to go to reach a million words.